This weekend sees South Australian sporting clubs including the Hills Football League partnering with Breakthrough to tackle mental health HEAD ON in the inaugural Breakthrough Community Round on June 22.
Sporting clubs and leagues from right across the state will be taking part to raise funds and awareness for mental health research to stop the devastating effects of mental illness. Money raised from Breakthrough Community Round will allow Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation to fund groundbreaking research to better understand what causes mental illness, how to treat it and how to prevent it from happening.
In the lead up to Breakthrough Community Football Round on June 22, here’s five tips for helping to keep ourselves emotionally healthy:
1. Take care of you
Eat, sleep and be active. We don’t often think about how important these basic activities are for our mental health – but they are critical.
2. Check in and get check-ups
We get check-ups for our physical health. We even take our cars in for tune-ups. It’s time to take responsibility and get check-ups for our emotional well-being too. Talk with your doctor, a counsellor, and your family and friends to make sure you – and those you love – are doing well emotionally.
3. Engage and connect wisely
Pay attention to your relationships. We can’t be healthy if our relationships are not.
4. Relax
Learn ways to reduce the stress that we all face – and practice what works for you.
5. Know the Five Signs of Emotional Distress
The Five Signs are: change in personality, agitation, withdrawal, decline in personal care, and hopelessness. Someone may exhibit one or more signs. If you see them in someone you love, reach out, connect, and offer to help.
For more details, head to the Breakthrough website by clicking here