As you know, at Blackwood Football Club we support 26 teams (approximately 450 players) and numerous volunteers, plus the many siblings, parents, grandparents, friends and extended family members who make up the Woods community.

We have come up with some strategies to keep us connected as a football club community over the coming period. We would like to encourage all our members to participate in the two initiatives we have put together, to be held when we can all congregate again.

‘BFC Trash & Treasure Silent Auction’

Polish up the silver candlestick holders…clean up Gran’s crystal vase…dust off the old sporting memorabilia and collectables…pot up an indoor plant…part with that old wooden carving or garden ornament.

You’ll find something……..

‘Blackwood Football Club Junior Art Exhibition & Sale’

Some ideas for your exhibits include ………….

  • String pictures…ask your grandparents
  • Collage…ask your parents
  • Paintings and drawings
  • Paper Mache
  • Let your imaginations run wild!

We look forward to when we can all get together again to appreciate the efforts you’ve put in to support these BFC Community initiatives.
