KX Pilates Blackwood Oval is set to rock this weekend with the commencement of the 2022 Police Credit Union Hills Football League this Saturday. In a Round 1 blockbuster, the Woods come up against the Lobethal Football Club.
The day is poised to be a big affair with the first Axemen’s Luncheon of the season thee club canteen and bar facilities open to serve food and refreshments for spectators & sponsors. After the games, presentations will kick off from 6.30 pm with the club kitchen also open for meals.
Spectators are reminded to follow COVID safe protocols and maintain social distancing where possible. The game details for this weekend are as follows:
Saturday 2 April
Blackwood vs Lobethal
MC 8.45 am | JC 9.55 am | SC 11.10 am | B 12.50 pm | A 2.30 pm
KX Pilates Blackwood Oval
Adults: $8, Concession Card Holders: $6, Under 18’s and BFC Members with a 2022 Membership Card: FREE