Welcome to 2022 Blackwood Footy Club Family & Happy New Year to you all.
I’d like to introduce myself for those that don’t know me I am David Richardson & as I embark on a new era at the BFC as your President I would firstly like to congratulate previous president Kris Winchester & his team for doing an incredible job at keeping the club at the highest of standards for the last four years. You’re all legends 🙏
The Executive (team all are listed on the website, so get on & have a look) have been working hard behind the scenes for a while & are off & running through a tough time, but we are resilient & will get through this together & we will find a way to an end of the Pandemic. Whilst the season gets closer we will duly inform all members on how we manage the ever changing environment, so keep abreast of information through the BFC website & all the Social platforms.
At this very moment though we are needing another important Executive role filled immediately & that is the Junior Football Director. We are seeking a person that has a connection to the U12 – U16 (Male or Female affiliated) age group particularly. The Executive will give the participant(s) all the support required.
On the back of that the club is also seeking junior coaches for the upcoming season. Training often starts in early February & if we cannot fill these roles juniors will miss out playing with their friends.
It is a great opportunity (particularly for senior players) to get involved with the greater club environment & encourage the fulfilment of participation for our young players for the future. These roles will also be fully supported by the Executive.
Lastly the club is actively seeking a Head Trainer to replace (the irreplaceable) Ruth Work who served as Head Trainer for the last 18 years. Ruth will provide her expertise for the incumbent, so put your hand up or let us know who may well be interested in this role. It will be very rewarding to be involved I guarantee.
Its an exciting time for the footy club & it will be an honour & pleasure to meet you all at some stage during the year.
As we are all volunteers, we will respect each other & look out for each other, so to provide a safe & pleasant environment for everyone who are existing participants or new arrivals coming into our footy club.
Don’t hesitate to contact me or an appropriate Executive member with anything regarding footy or the club, as we will be happy to oblige!
My best regards
David Richardson