Join us on Saturday the 17th of August when we host our combined Ladies & Fourth Axemen’s Luncheon of the 2024 season.

Brought to you by matchday sponsor, Air Wholesalers, the luncheon will be headlines by guest speaker, none other than South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas while Richard MacDonald will provide entertainment on the piano.

Dylan is cooking his famous Tomato Soup & Chicken Curry and there will be raffles galore (including a Samsung Tablet (valued at $529.00) along with a special signed AFL Gather Round football)!

Numbers are strictly limited with reservations now open. Don’t miss out on this event! To secure your place scroll down to reserve a place and view the payment details.

Note: your confirmation to this Event will be confirmed once payment is made.

Above imagine is courtesy of The Advertiser

RSVP to Ladies/Axemen's Luncheon - 17 August 2024

5 + 8 =

Payment details

Account Name – Blackwood Football Club

BSB – 035 082

ACC – 110 464

Reference – First + Last Name

Cost – $35.00 AUD (two-course luncheon included)
