Dear Blackwood Football Club members,
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Blackwood Football Club (“the Club”) I, in my capacity as Club Secretary and at the direction of the Executive Committee call an additional Special General Meeting of the members of the Blackwood Football Club.
Date: 20 October 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 6.30 pm
Location: Blackwood Football Club
The purpose of the meeting is to pass a special resolution to adopt a new Club constitution. This was unable to be achieved at the SGM on Friday 15 October as there wasn’t a quorum of voting members present.
Part III 2.5 of the current Blackwood Football Club constitution states that “If at any of the aforesaid meetings no quorum be present at the expiration of thirty minutes after the time fixed for the commencement of such meeting, such meeting shall be adjourned. The Secretary shall thereafter give to the members of the Club two clear days’ notice in writing notice of the date, time and place to which the meeting has been adjourned. If at such meeting no quorum is present those present shall be deemed to be a quorum.
As per the current constitution only the following members have the right to vote on the Special Resolution:-
Club Patron, Vice Patrons, Life members, every member of the Committee of Management of the club, paid up playing members (over the age of 18 years), Ordinary members* (ref Part II Definitions, point 2)
*Currently no Ordinary members have “applied and been approved by the Committee of management” (ref part II (ii)). Going forward this will be rectified when memberships are offered under the new constitution.
Please refer to the following links which include include a copy of the existing and a copy of the proposed constitution. For further information, please contact the club email by clicking this link
Ruth Hopton
BFC Secretary
17 October 2021