Our first “Sponsor in the spotlight” for Season 2017 is Dave Benson Caravans.

Dave Benson Caravans is a valued sponsor of the Blackwood Football Club. General Manager David Benson is a former player, coach, president and life member of the club. He said “the Blackwood Football Club members have been very loyal to our business over the past 23 years and we appreciate any business that results from our association.”

Dave Benson Caravans was established in 1994 by David and Tania Benson. Dave Benson Caravans has been built on strong foundations with experienced, professional, customer focused staff with expertise to the highest standards.

With over 150 RV’s on display Dave Benson Caravans is home to the Largest Showroom of New & Used Caravans / Recreational Vehicles in Australia and has accumulated 14 National Dealership Awards for excellence.

Dave Benson Caravans attract and stock the best possible New Australian made products such as Lotus Caravans, Leader caravans, Universal Caravans, Supreme Caravans, Jürgen’s Caravans and stock Cub and Track Camper trailers

They also stock an expansive range of Reconditioned Used Caravans and Camper trailers and service and repair all makes and models in our modern 4 bay workshop.

Owner Dave Benson selling a caravan to a former Super Rules player

Living to our motto – “We’re with you all the way” it is no wonder people travel from all over Australia to purchase from… DBC

Mr. Benson said “at Dave Benson Caravans recognise the positive impact which sporting clubs have on their local community. We recognise the positive impact the Blackwood Football Club has on its local community and that is a brand we want to be associated with.”

If you’re thinking about getting a New or Used Caravan/Recreational Vehicle, make sure you head on over to Dave Benson Caravans. They will have exactly what you’re looking for.

Where to find Dave Benson Caravans

Dave Benson Caravans

Visit Dave Bensons Caravans today